Sweet and sour summer salad
ZRP salad, steamed, fried
2 people
Prep : 5 minutes
Cook : 15 minutes
* 4 or 5 “Salad and Fried” potatoes* 200 g fresh green beans
* 2 or 3 fresh figs
* A handful of pistachios
* A handful of fresh beans
* Juice of one lemon
* Olive oil
* Salt, pepper
String the green beans, cut them in half if necessary.
Wash the potatoes and cut them.
Steam the potatoes and green beans for 10 to 15 minutes.
Take the cooked beans out and immerse them immediately in ice water. Drain and set aside.
Run the cooked potatoes under cold running water, peel them and set aside.
Arrange the potatoes on plates with some green beans, broad beans and pistachios.
Add 2 or 3 slices of pre-washed figs.
Season with a dash of olive oil and lemon juice.
Season with salt and pepper.
Bon appétit!